
Not For You

Dear Beautiful Bride & Dashing Groom:

As I meet with you months before in preparation & planning for a grand party; as we exchange questions & stories as well as some laughter, I see that you are asking me to do something important for you. 

As I walk through "your" day in celebration & glad witness I see that you trust me to capture those moments to help you remember the joy for years to come.

I think there might be a misunderstanding. 
I don't want to lie to you. But-

I don't take your wedding pictures for you. 

At least, not only for you. 

As I get up and go each day that the camera is carried in my hands, I face fears. The thought that I may come up short against the expectations that are held. Of course, I am hardest on myself. 
I need to face that. It's part of the bigger picture purpose I see in my work/ministry through photo taking these days. Jesus wants my roots of identity driven deep, deep in Him and so I must face the ugly truths & redeem the untruths. So, honestly, I take your wedding pictures for me. 

And too, I see the glory of covenant. It's an entire other blog post. I want to keep myself up against that visually; audibly. I need to remember the sobriety & joy involved in the picture if Christ's gracious, willing covenant with us. With me. 
As a single person, I must recognize that I too, live out covenant. I have said yes to an incredible betrothal. I take those photos for Jesus, as demonstration that I will continue to pay attention to His promises. 

Mr & Mrs, I don't take these photos for you. 

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